Father JC's Page

A little about me....
I was born in the Philippines on April 14… many years ago! Growing up, I wanted to be either a pilot or a lawyer - but early on in my childhood, I realized my passion for the arts, especially for music and theater.
Music has always been my connection to God. Music brought me close to church as a youth. Music is also my best form of prayer. I have gained real friends (and families) through Music. It has always been a part of my life.
I see that the spiritual life is a journey. Life itself is a journey: an Emmaus walk with a friend, the Camino - a pilgrimage. We walk together - where Jesus Christ is at the center, and our Blessed Mother Mary holding our hand. I am thrilled that I am with you on this journey - our path - the Little Way.
Building friendships and small christian communities have always been my passion. Sharing faith and simple stories nourish me spiritually; I find that sharing the grief, pain and struggles - as well as the joys, victories and successes - of people is at the core of my calling. I thrive in places where there are real people who are searching for real questions and answers in life.
I have a lot of favorite things to do and places yet to see. I have recently found myself passionate about technology and the New Media. (I don’t like selfies, but always find myself having to do it anyway!)
I like to binge-watch series on Netflix, HBO Max, Disney Plus and Hulu. I like food and I enjoy traveling - exploring new places and learning little things about their great people and their history.
In summary - Who is JC? One who loves God and is fascinated by people:
a very happy Catholic priest!
Fr. JC Merino
Your Parish Priest